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Unboxing Video by Fabio (Italian)

We are very grateful to Fabio, who helped with the Italian translation of the rulebook of GEMJI Game System. He is one of the first Italians who owns the Original Set. Watch his first impressions and comments about the game. Enjoy! ___ Transcription of the video below: Ciao e benvenuti sul canale YouTube digiochi sul […]

Dive into the community! The online forum is alive.

🎉 This is a short post to announce that we are releasing an online community forum! We are super happy and want you to be part of it!  We created this forum because we wanted it to be a place for all GEMJI players who are willing to participate in the development of the tabletop […]

GEMJI as seen on Yanko Design

A milestone for the team was seeing our work getting featured on Yanko Design! You’ve probably have seen their content on the internet especially if you are passionate about design!